Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chrome OS, What it can and can't do so far

So this has become my beside the bed machine. I have always had a dream of having a laptop or tablet that made it easy to get on quickly to check weather or news or look something up on Google. This netbook fits the bill nicely for that. Plus it isn't a huge machine so it isn't hard to pick up. The fast resume time makes it idea for quick searches and information. So for these tasks I am loving this.

But I love visiting Amazon and digital downloads of  music and books for Kindle (though I do not have a Kindle device, I simply read on screen). The music situation seems to me to be the biggest show stopper, though I admit I had not being able to do Netflix on this device.  But I love music and while I do have an iPod, I actually prefer listening to music on my laptop or PC at work. But it is all duplication of effort. I have to carry my current music on an USB device and copy my current likes to work. If my music was in the cloud and I could use any MP3 player with it, then that would be awesome. Even Microsoft's Skydrive will let me upload music so if Google could hurry up and fix this missing spot or partner with someone to allow me to upload my music library and play it anywhere, that would be awesome. There are rumors of a Google Music store in the works coming first of the year. It seems Google has taken it upon itself to compete against every product Apple or Microsoft come out with.

I used to responsible for anything that ran on a Microsoft platform. My boss would come to me and say, Roy, this runs on Windows so I need you to take care of it. So I was responsible for Exchange, SQL, IIS, System Management Server, and anything that ran on Microsoft platforms, but in the end I had to juggle so much that I could only hit the high water marks and never ever did I have time to ensure things were the best they could be on any one system. I see the same problem for Google. If you try to do everything, you can't necessarily do everything well. Jack of all trades and master of some. That was me and that is the direction Google has been headed for some time.

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