Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chrome OS, what price privacy?

My Cr-48 has gotten slow. Why? It is my own fault. Too many extensions. Seriously, I have too many extensions. It slows the really fast Chrome browser to a crawl. If I go incognito, this puppy is fast and furious (the first one, not the second one, you know Vin Diesel). I don't like selling my soul one small piece at a time on the Internet. I know it is a strange world trying to live an online life and hide my identity. But I don't want a web site tracking me and I don't want Facebook snooping on every site I visit. My friends know me and if I have something worth sharing, I will, but otherwise, they don't care and I don't share.

I run the following extensions:

(see screen shot)

Actually the picture is just a sampling of the extensions I run.

I fun AdBlock to block ads (including Google Text ads, though it has an option to allow them). It was written by a former Google Engineer. I have run nearly the same plug-in when I was a Mozilla fan. I never knew Facebook had ads until one day I was using my wife's computer. What is with all these ads?

This same author wrote Disconnect and Facebook Disconnect. Facebook Disconnect makes sure you don't share any information with FAcebook. Disconnect makes sure you don't share information with pretty much anyone. In fact it works so well, I can't log onto Yahoo at all with that extension running so I have disabled it.

I use Ghostery, which shows who is trying to track me.

WOT is a web site reputation utility. It is based on votes and requires an account to use (something I hate). Sharing what does not need to be shared. When I do a Google search, if a site doesn't have a Green circle by it, then I usually don't visit it.

Last but not least I use Flashblock. Flashblock prevents Flash ads as well as pretty much any Flash unless I decide I want it. It doesn't work as easily as it did in Mozilla, but I do like it all the same.

If I had an extension wish list it would be for NoScript to have an extension for Chrome. I run this on Firefox and it blocks all JavaScript and Java. My Mac has never had spyware on it thanks to using all of these extensions. Sure, some sites aren't presented in their full glory, but my safety is more important than my web experience.


All of these extensions slow down Chrome. It doesn't seem that bad on my Mac when I run these, but on Chrome OS, it drags it down. So I have to make a value judgement. Is my privacy worth more than speed? And I fairly evaluating Chrome OS if I run all these extensions? Or does running these extensions really test Chrome OS?

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